Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Zach then turn on HOH spy cam and sees Dick and takes the opportunity to call him a Dip Shi* and a man with a Big Head! Zach says " I'm gonna take um down"
Zach kisses shell and says I did this for you!
Zach tells Sweets you are the light at the end of my tunnel.
09-07-07 10:15 BBT Zach has shell in hand tells Sweets :I expect you to be standing at the end that's all I gotta say"
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