Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Jen runs to Ryan and tells him what just transpired between her and Parker!
Jen trys to talk her way out of it and also pushes the story SHE TOLD off on Ryan!
10:00am bbt Parker tells Jen that she says stupid things and he can't be trusted now because she is his partner. He also let her know that she could have won an Academy Award with her B.S. story she told of her boyfriend!
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