James asks Shelia to just give him the fact he heard what he heard! Shelia agrees to give him that!
James tells Shelia "Just be quiet for this one second! You don't stop! Make sure you all keep working for Josh!
Shelia tells James "You are a threat, your a threat to everybody in this game!"
James tells Shelia :How can I gun for the whole house? I can only take one of you out at a time!
James then tells Shelia you just don't give up, you just don't stop! I said I wasn't mad at you I am mad at the house in general!
Shelia then gets into her spiel about how she has done nothing wrong, how things were said about her ect.... This gets James even more mad!
James comes out and confronts Shelia and tells he "Let me play my 500k game and leave me alone, I know I'm the annoying house guest that wont leave!
James just waking up from a nap is laying in his bed listing to every word being said in the kitchen.
03-27-08 10:30pm bbt Shelia is in the kitchen with Natalie, Adam, Ryan, and Josh giving Josh a pep talk on how he needs to work hard for the veto and how she (them) are all rooting for him.
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