Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
07-16-08 After the girls left the room Libra had a moment when she thought about what Julie said on the live show about what people think about her leaving her babies to be on Big Brother...
was she upset by what Julie said, or was she missing her babies?
Well she had just stated to April and Michelle that she was offended by the question to her so....
But... I'm sure she does miss her children ;)
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