Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Screencaps and Pictures of all the Big Brother houseguests during their stay in the BB house. All photos have been captured from the Big Brother 24/7 Live Feeds by the ever expanding bbdish family of cappers. Enjoy!
Keesha says it sucks knowing your going up on the block!
BB cam gets a close up of Dans misfit hair!
April doing what she does best! Ragging about others!
08-08-08 2:00pm bbt April & Michelle are in the SR talking about someone (Keesha or Libra) on how they didn't get any claps. Michelle says see I told you!
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